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  1. adrianw

    new 30" Master built Sportsman Elite leaking liquid around door

    ​Al, Thanks for the reply.  I am running a pan of water.  The door has a built in sheet of metal aiming for the drip pan.  I am smoking ribs today and tightened the lock one more turn. Seems to be helping a little.  I may nee to readjust the sheet of metal for a better aim at the targeted drip...
  2. adrianw

    new 30" Master built Sportsman Elite leaking liquid around door

    All, I have a new 30" Master built Sportsman Elite leaking liquid around the lower door.  I have adjusted the lock to the point I am afraid it will break.  I also checked for level of the unit, but I am still getting the liquid seeping from around the lower door. It seems that the liquid is not...
  3. adrianw

    TheTraveling Smoker

    Good evening all, My name is Adrian and I am a little new to the smoking world.  I have graduated from the old Big Chief to the MES 30" Sportsman Elite that my wife got me for Christmas. We are a military family currently living in Alaska. I have only a short time left before we can retire and...