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  1. jpeck

    New from South Carolina

    What part of the Lowe country? I'me up here in COLA town.
  2. jpeck

    I need the help of my smoking family!!

    Freeze it after it is pulled then place the meat into a crock pot to reheat it. No fuss dinner.
  3. jpeck

    Cured Pork chops

    Since I do not harvest my own, Can you do individual chops? Or do I need to by the whole slab to cure?
  4. jpeck

    Cured Pork chops

    This is what I am looking for also.
  5. jpeck

    Cured Pork chops

    Thanks I will try them soon with the mortons. Need to go to the Pig to get the chops.
  6. jpeck

    Is this strange?

    Thats the best way to wake up the neighbors!! I Luv to stink up the hood!!!!
  7. jpeck

    Cured Pork chops

    Has anyone done these. I love them but they are high $ in the store. Would love to learn how to do them. I am also ordering the bacon cure this week!!!
  8. jpeck

    Chicken Help please

    All help is good!!
  9. jpeck

    Chicken Help please

    Yes it is the blood that she does not like. A couple of more questions if yall have the time, The clear membrane under the skin does that cook off or do you clean that off? If you ar doing parts how long should you brine? Hopefully the last: Is it still 1 cup salt to 1 gallon of H2O? Sorry...
  10. jpeck

    Chicken Help please

    Should you brine parts of the chicken? Thighs, legs, breast. Or is this process just good for the whole chick? Also will this hep with the red that is sometimes in chicken? My wife cannot stand that and will not eat it if it is there.
  11. jpeck

    bar-b-chef offset smoker for sale

    Did you sell it? If not let me know how much?
  12. jpeck


    Has anyone ever used a coleman vertical gas bullet smoker? I have both: a char. and the Colman. Both work well but the gas smoker when I am trying to do real slow cooking the flame will extinguish. Wind and the pressure of opening the lid. Anybody else have this draw problem? The burner...
  13. jpeck


    Can you use a bullet smoker for this? If so is the char./hickery placed at the bottom? Do you use the water pan? How long? Can I make a cold smoker for this cheap? And lastly, Can you use store bought cheese?
  14. jpeck

    not as good

    Do not admit failure if you can blaim it on something else.
  15. jpeck

    not as good

    Sometimes the meat quality is just not as good.
  16. jpeck

    Am I doing this whole thing wrong?

    I also just found this forum and you are right about the tech talk. I love it for this reason: New cuts of meat do not seem an impossable task. I have mastered the pork sholder/but/hams ect..(without a meat therm.) but when it came to a brisket I was intemidated. I have not mastered the...
  17. jpeck

    Pork Knowledge

    I do not know if this is a "sticky" but the rubs I use on ribs does not contain salt. I salt right before I place them on the grill/smoker. This seems to keep the salt from drying them out.
  18. jpeck

    not as good

    Sorry for not adding this one but it sounds like you had a partial but.
  19. jpeck

    not as good

    Did you let it come to room temp before smoking?
  20. jpeck

    1st Brisket

    I have moved to a new status in the BBQ world and have become a pit master. IMHO I cooked my first Brisket this weekend and man did it turn out great. I have always been a pork man but this is so good I will have to do it again. This is how I did it: 1. Used the whole brisket and Trimmed fat...