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  1. ted campbell

    terrible tough brisket... where did i go wrong?

    Everyone else nailed it.  You didn't cook it to a high enough internal temp.  If you want to slice it put it to about 195 and if you want to shred it closer to 205.
  2. ted campbell

    BBQ Guru DigiQ DX2

    Thanks for the feedback.  I haven't had any issues lately.  I think the problem was my vent was open all the way.  So even when the smoker was up to temp it was still able to get too much air which obviously increased the temp in the smoker.  I now open the vent up all the way on the fan until...
  3. ted campbell

    What's the highest cooking temp for a Boston butt?

    Go ahead and take off your one out that is at 197.  It should be done.  The other at 184 is through the stall so it will be in the low to mid 190's in that time.  You can go ahead and crank the temp up to about 275 if you want.  At this point it won't hurt the meat.  It will just help it cook a...
  4. ted campbell

    To foil or not to foil???

    I put my ribs in a 275 for 2 hours and then wrap them in foil with some apple juice for another 2 hours or so until they reach a temp of about 195-200.  They come out perfect.  You could put them on a grill or back in the smoker with some sauce or more rub to get a little bark.
  5. ted campbell

    Chicken is too smokey

    I agree with PigBark.  I would use a good lump charcoal like Royal Oak or even Cowboy and then add only a chunk or two of hickory or whatever wood you choose.  Remember you don't need much smoke at all coming out of the smoker to get the best smoky flavor.
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  7. ted campbell

    First time brisket. I am already nervous! This thing is cooking fast!

    It looks good.  If you want a more juicy brisket you could always wrap it in foil after a couple of hours with some juices.  If you do that it will cook MUCH faster and will be a much more tender and moist.  You can still cook the point the same way or pull the point off when it all hits 195 and...
  8. ted campbell

    Brisket, the wife say's I'm crazy

    Brisket used to be my worst category, now it is one of the best things I make.  I like to cook mine faster so I wrap it once it has been on the smoker for about 2 hours.  I include some juices and marinades as well inside the foil.  A 12-14 pound brisket cooking at 250 degrees will reach about...
  9. ted campbell

    BBQ Guru DigiQ DX2

    I ran into an issue with mine.  I think it was more user error than anything else.  I had it set for 250.  Even though it read 250 the thermometer on my stumps said 280.  I put in an electronic thermometer and it stated 283.  I found I had to close the vent on it by about 50%.  I was shocked the...
  10. ted campbell

    Just an FYI about costco (In the midwest anyway)

    The Sam's and Walmarts around my area didn't order packers at all this year.  All they carried is flats.
  11. ted campbell

    Crispy Smoked Thighs

    After trimming the fat off of thighs and then scraping the fat off of the skin this weekend I don't think I will ever eat an untrimmed Chicken thigh again.  It is crazy how disgusting that job is and how fatty that piece of meat is.  The things you do for a BBQ competition.
  12. ted campbell

    Beef Short Ribs

    I made some a couple of weeks ago.  They were great.  Mine were from Sam's before they cut them up into smaller pieces so they were huge.  Just rub them with salt, pepper and garlic.  I did basically a 2-2-1.  I cooked them to 190 degrees.  You need to get them that high to render the fat out of...
  13. ted campbell

    MES popping ground fault outlet

    I had a situation like this on my MES.  I ended up having to get a new control unit on the top of the smoker.  Some moisture had ended up in it and was basicaly creating a short.  There are other posts on this site about the issue.
  14. ted campbell

    Entering first Comp

    Joe, I haven't done a competition yet but I have been gearing up for one next month.  I have judged a few comeptitions this year and attended several.  The biggest learning experience I had was doing a test run for the contest.  We started on a Friday at my house and treated it exactly as a...
  15. ted campbell

    Entering first Comp

    If you only have the one smoker I would go with 250 for your pork and brisket.  Once they are done put them in a good cooler covered with towels to maintain temp.  They I would go with 275 in the morning for your ribs and chicken.  Just my 2 cents.
  16. ted campbell

    Smoke Hollow Charcoal/Gas Model 1800CGS

    I have that exact grill/smoker.  It works very well.  The fire box is exactly as you described.  You will start charcoal and put it on the grate.  Stbbs works very well.  The charcoal will fall through that grate so I cut a metal grate with smaller holes to fit over it.  Makes it easier to clean...
  17. ted campbell

    Dry aged prime rib

    Not really.  I already have a vaccumm sealer and a fridge so my cost would only be about $5 for each use.  Price isn't an issue.  I was more interested in how it works.
  18. ted campbell

    Dry aged prime rib

    Have any of you guys used or heard of UMAi?  It's a vaccumm sealer dry age bag.  I think I am going to oder some and give it a try.  It seems like an easy way to dry age beef and the reviews I have seen are positive.