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  1. dhoch

    Chicken Curing

    Hey Dave, just wanted to reach out and say thank you for your help. My chicken jerky is coming out amazing, and I owe it all to you my friend. Haha. Seriously though thanks for your help!
  2. dhoch

    Chicken Curing

    Just got the cure from Butcher & Packer. This is what I ordered  1 ea.DQ Curing Salt - 8 oz. (aka DC Curing Salt) $2.50   They sent no packing slip but the package says HSC Hunters Super Cure. Is this the correct cure? Name not even close. They are closed now so I figured I see if you know. I...
  3. dhoch

    Chicken Curing

    Thanks Dave. I'm waiting for my #1 from butcher-packer, I'll let you know how it turns out.
  4. dhoch

    Chicken Curing

    I do have a vacuum sealer but probably won't use for marinade. If I cut breast 1/8 inch thick strips how long do you think need to marinade for I think to go deep? 24 hrs?
  5. dhoch

    Chicken Curing

    I do. If I'm slicing 1/8 inch thick how long you think to get a deep marinade in the meat?
  6. dhoch

    Chicken Curing

    Thanks Dave, I really appreciate your help and patience. I just ordered some DQ curing salt from Butcher and Packer. I will doing a small batch test run so let's say I use 2lbs chicken, I would then use 1/2 tsp of #1 and a 1/2 pint of marinade correct?
  7. dhoch

    Chicken Curing

  8. dhoch

    Chicken Curing

    I am new to this whole thing, and I am trying to cure chicken for chicken jerky. Don't know if anybody has tried Chef's Cut honey Bbq chicken jerky, but I am trying to create the same texture and flavor profile. Anyway I am slicing the chicken breast at about 1/8 inch thickness cooking on rack...