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  1. busmania

    How much of an opening between firebox and cook chamber?

    I’m about to start a 24” x 54” cooking chamber with 24” x 24” firebox (round). I’m going with a 5” stack at grate level and possible build one of those fancy collectors I’m seeing everywhere for the exhaust. My question is, how much of an opening from the firebox to the cooking chamber should I...
  2. busmania

    Need cad files for machine shop

    Hey everyone. I apprehend advise thus far. I finally met someone local who is reasonable. I met with him and a few hours later had all of the cad files for the plate steal parts. I’m going to get these parts cut, get my barrels rolled and then get started. I appreciate the help!
  3. busmania

    Need cad files for machine shop

    Thanks. I’ll gladly pay fair market for time as required. I have some ideas I’d love to run by someone. Willing to drive (I drive up and down between castle rock and Fort Collins almost daily). Going to Cheyenne is no big deal for me to discuss the project.
  4. busmania

    Need cad files for machine shop

    I’m really struggling to find someone to take some ideas I have and put them in a cad file for plasma cutting. Apparently graph paper and a pencil are no longer cool. Anyway, I want to take my next build to the next level. I’ve already sourced a shop that can roll me some 1/4” steel but I’m...
  5. busmania

    Smoking at altitude

    Interesting. I’ve never had that problem. Try using/lighting a little more lump or charcoal and open the vents more?
  6. busmania

    Cutting up my new Yoder Wichita (minor mods)

    Two cooks in a row. Temps within 10-15 degrees from left to right. I can still see smoke coming out of the top vent in the stock door but I’ve gotten over this issue (it doesn’t happen all the time). Think I finally figured out the perfect setup. I’ll keep this updated.
  7. busmania

    Cutting up my new Yoder Wichita (minor mods)

    After about 30 cooks I may have it figured out. I built another new chimney. This one 4” (same as stock) but 30” long which is exactly what Feldon calls for. Did a few cooks with this and it burns well and I’ve been happy with it. Draft is good. I’m back to using stock door. Today I had the...
  8. busmania

    Kamado smoke generating problems

    I was being somewhat facetious. Learn your cooker. Don’t stress too much about it. Have fun and figure out what works for you. A million ways to skin the cat.
  9. busmania

    Kamado smoke generating problems

    When I had this problem (big green egg...same difference) I went and bought an offset. But seriously, I could never get get the Smokey results I wanted. I found less is more with my Kamado cooker. I’d use up to 8-10 chunks and it would be bitter and bad. I found 6-8 chunks to be about perfect...
  10. busmania

    Does fattier meat absorb more smoke than lean?

    I’ve been reverse searing filets the last couple times I’ve eaten steak. I smoke em to about 115 internal then a short rest then sear. My wife (who doesn’t eat much meat) loves them and they’ve never been overly Smokey. Last night I did the same method but with a fatty piece of rib eye steak...
  11. busmania

    Adding a rotisserie to an offset?

    I have a Yoder Wichita. I was thinking it would be cool to have a rotisyoprion. Has anyone ever added a rotisserie to an offset? Was it worth it? Any “kits” out there?
  12. busmania

    Cutting up my new Yoder Wichita (minor mods)

    The lower inlet can be choked down (I usually run it about 3/4 open). It is under the wood grate. I also have since added the upper vent I just don’t have updated photos. What’s the motivation behind these mods you ask? I was annoyed that there seemed to be a back draft issue from time to time...
  13. busmania

    Got the Yoder out today

    I’d love to hear your feedback on what works for you. Still learning this smoker. I too don’t want plug and play. Pork makes me hungry!
  14. busmania

    Cutting up my new Yoder Wichita (minor mods)

    Interesting Ollygee. Ive been meaning to update this thread. None of my mods have worked as planned and I almost always am smoking now with the stock set up. Sometimes I put my new door on if it is windy. I'm still tinkering. One of these days I'll update this thread with all of the mods I...
  15. busmania

    Got the Yoder out today

    30 degrees difference left to right is the best I’ve been able to achieve on my Wichita. I tried putting 3/4” blocks under legs on my last cook and it didn’t seem to make a difference. The only thing that really seems to make a difference and get my temps within 30 degrees is closing the chimney...
  16. busmania


    Here’s what I do. Reeeeallly simple. 1/4 cup salt plus 5-6 cups water. Boil seeds for approximately 10 minutes Bake or smoke for as long as needed till you like the taste. I stopped smoking as they always tasted like pork rather than smoke.
  17. busmania


    I want to extend my chimney on my Yoder into cooking chamber. Is that galvanized pipe?
  18. busmania

    First Smoker build

    I built a small one out of a 33 gallon compressor. I think it is similar to your dimensions but maybe 18” wide. Long story short, it was sensitive. I think my problem has always been (now that Ive used a larger smoker and looking back on this build) too big of a fire. I no longer use it and it...
  19. busmania

    Temperature variance from side to side

    I have a loaded yoder Wichita. I’ve used it about 6 times. The dome thermometers were tested in boiling water and within 5 degrees of each other. However, when cooking, the thermometer on the right, which is located at about grate level will be at 275 while he left, mounted towards the top left...