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  1. skidog

    Bacon Hot Smoke/Cold Smoke ~ What is Your Preference ?

    I usually cold smoked with the mailbox mod for between 12 and 24 hours. Last time it was kind of a blizzard so I fired up the Copperhead at 175*, hung the bacon with a pan of ice under it and smoked for 3-4 hours, never checked internal temp. So far my favorite bacon. I will say I used a little...
  2. skidog

    Jerky in a MES30

    I use Nepas Hillbilly Backwoods jerky recipe, I omit the liquid smoke because I use the Copperhead to do the jerky in. His recipe has worcestershire sauce.
  3. skidog

    Newbie Smoked First Pork Shoulders Disappointed!!

    I don't use a binder, I dry the surface and coat heavily with Simply Marvelous Cherry followed by a heavy coat of Spicy Apple. I run my pellet unit at 225 degrees place butt on rack and let it ride until an IT of 165-170ish throw in a pan cover with foil and into the oven(cause why waste the...
  4. skidog

    New to Pellet Smoking

    I didn't think they did either and I'm still not sure. But when I looked up their apple pellets it says this. So the first sentence says Blend but then go on to say "feature 100% all natural applewood", so who knows. I'm pretty convinced it's a blend. Don't know why it's so hard to just say what...
  5. skidog

    New to Pellet Smoking

    I think because the Apple pellets are 100% apple wood vs. the Competition being a blend of different woods.
  6. skidog

    New GMG smoker, what's up with this cover??

    What a disappointment, Looks thinner than the one for my DC. The one I have is the best factory grill cover I've come across, very heavy duty and has velcro on the ends. Not one drop of moisture has penetrated in 2 years. Sorry about the crappy cover.
  7. skidog

    1st grill of spring. Venison brats!

    Dang, looks great. Moments before reading this I was thinking I was going to get some brats to grill. You sealed the deal.
  8. skidog

    Any of you smokers have a Home Theater?

    Right. Even the reviews of 3D movies seemed to concentrate more on in your face jump out factors than the depth it gave to the film. Makes me sad.
  9. skidog

    Any of you smokers have a Home Theater?

    Beautiful HTR, always wanted to do something similar. I just have 65" 3D Plasma with a 5.2 system and a boatload of Blu Rays. I really like the 3D, not for jump out type of things but just for the depth it adds, wish it would have continued to be a trend.
  10. skidog

    Food Poisoning Sucks!

    That sucks indaswamp, hope your feeling alot better today. Holy shit Dave!! I almost shit my pants laughing at your story!! I would have been laughing too. As someone who lives by themselves getting sick really does suck. Especially when you puke so hard you shit your pants, ask me how I know...
  11. skidog

    Pit Boss now with 5-yr warranty ?!

    That Pro 4 vertical at Lowes is a pellet grill, in case you didn't know. I'm not sure how much smoke is too much but Pellet grills generally have a lighter smoke profile. I just snagged a Copperhead 5 from Walmart for 199 and was happy, was even more happy when someone pointed out the new 5 year...
  12. skidog

    Pellet Smokers for RVers

    GMG Davy Crockett, Grilla Grills Chimp, Pit Boss tailgater, Camp Chef Persuit, Rec Tec Trail Blazer And i'm sure some others.
  13. skidog

    Sealing up the GMG Davy Crockett

    I'm not trying to sound flippant, but, why do people care if some smoke leaks around the lid? I have a DC and it leaks around the lid but it leaks more out the stack. lol. I'll tell you what, after a while the leaky areas build up and it seals the leaks. It's not like the leaked smoke would sit...
  14. skidog

    Mes 30 died, need replacement

    I'm not sure that's really true chefjimmy. I've had my GMG Davy Crockett for 2 years and have had zero problems. Sits outside all year and has always had pellets in it. Just fired it up last weekend after sitting for 2 months when it seemed we couldn't get above 10*. Uncovered it, turned it on...
  15. skidog

    St Louis Rib question

    Thanks Chef Jimmy. Yes, pictures are very helpful.
  16. skidog

    Pit Boss Copperhead 5

    Good luck on the brisket and be sure to post some pics!
  17. skidog

    St Louis Rib question

    Hmmm, interesting. I have bought St.Louis spares and they had the cartilage area attached and I've bought St.Louis ribs from Walmart and they had the cartilage etc. removed both were commercially packaged. Don't remember the names though. Lol, now it's just more confusing! Damn, thought I had i...
  18. skidog

    Immersion bacon curing - lab test results

    Wow, Nice work Wade, It's fun reading threads with missing posts trying to figure out what's going on. Lol Wade, I noticed in the original testing thread you said you were testing your dry cured recipe that you use. Care to share the results of that?
  19. skidog

    St Louis Rib question

    Ohhhh. Gotcha! So the Spare ribs have the breast bone, St. Louis spares have the breast bone removed and both still have the rubbery cartilage. Whereas the St. Louis ribs will have the breast bone and cartilage removed.
  20. skidog

    St Louis Rib question

    So whats the difference between St. Louis Style spare ribs and Spare ribs? From what I can tell nothing. Just seems like a way to confuse people. Is there a difference?