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  1. wclark30

    Replacing the gasket on my Vision smoker - Need help -

    Hello again, So I am replacing the gasket on my vision smoker with nomex.  I just took most of it off with a scraper and tried to get rid of the rest of the adhesive with acetone.   I think the previous owner literally never changed the gasket....  So when I took it off and scrubbed with all my...
  2. wclark30

    Heat Deflector - Difference between Ceramic and Cast Iron? -

    Wow that is a much much cheaper option!  I am still looking to find what the difference is between ceramic and cast iron though, if you or anyone has any information :)
  3. wclark30

    Heat Deflector - Difference between Ceramic and Cast Iron? -

    Hello there, I am restoring a vision kamado pro series smoker.  I am trying to find the best option for a heat deflector. What is the difference between cast iron and ceramic?   If ceramic, is there a more affordable option or better option for a ceramic deflector?   Also, does anyone know...
  4. wclark30

    Best Smoker for my needs? Need your thoughts and input!

    Are these WSM smokers good in the winter?  Like temps around 30 degrees as well?  I was thinking of using a welding blanket.  Thoughts? Will it still cook the meat completely in a timely manner (8 hours and under ish?) ?  I guess what I mean to say, will it cook normal times if I use a blanket...
  5. wclark30

    Best Smoker for my needs? Need your thoughts and input!

    So I am looking to purchase a smoker that will cook and smoke the meat completely.  I don't want to transfer the meat to the oven or crockpot.  I would like something that doesn't need a lot of tending (although I will be home the entire time it does smoke), not super huge but big enough for a...