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  1. skully

    Pastrami Reuben Fattie

    that looks amazing!!  your weave is one of the best ive ever seen!  great job! would care to share the recipe??  thanks in advance.
  2. skully

    My NEW Pellet Smoker I am building.....

    nice job, would an old fridge done the same for a box? 
  3. skully

    Dry Brine and Smoked King Salmon

    absolutely agree
  4. skully

    Smoked Garlic Sausage

    it certainly aint complicated, great job. 
  5. skully

    Finally Got To The Polish

    absolutely comes down to preference,  agreed.  good job
  6. skully

    Finally Got To The Polish

    excellent job all around! just a idea for yah try it if you wish, try adding the spice mix to the meat while grinding.
  7. skully

    My First Fatty Was a Turkey

      will try a variation of your rec!! 
  8. skully

    Italian Sausage

    beef is definately a twist for italian sausage, but looks good.
  9. skully


    beauty grind, great looking salami
  10. skully

    First Q'view........ Philly cheese steak fatty

    wndrrd,   that is awesome!!  
  11. skully

    Yup I'm Still Around

    stay on top of it, good luck!
  12. skully


    you can absolutely use/add raw honey.  in my honey/garlic fresh sausage, thats all i use. no powdered garlic either, raw garlic.  you have to find an amount that you like as far as the amount of honey/sweetness, lots of test fry's.  garlic will vary in strength so the sweetness will need to be...
  13. skully

    Today's Smoked Salmon

    great job!
  14. skully

    My Smoke House Build

    very nice setup!  i saw similar for the first time up in bc canada.  the guy built a 10x20 on top of a hill and ran pipe from the fire/smoke box from down below, 40 feet away.  this guy smoked fish/sausage and bacon year round.  he lived in the mountains so breeze was constant.  what a place...
  15. skully

    Fresh Orange Ginger Sausage!

    did a batch of fresh sausage at my brothers earlier today.  20lb test run to see how this combo is gonna work out and i have to say, on the fry try, its delicious.  have to admit, the seasoning mix he got from a new employee of his that blended it up for a batch of 20lbs but he does have the...
  16. skully

    Why aren't my snack sticks crunchy?

    change your grind to chunky!! 
  17. skully

    Would this work?

    ask the butcher shop to make you a batch intended for smoking. shouldnt be a prob for them and cost next to nothing.  they would just up the salt add cure.  easy
  18. skully

    Salt and Sugar in Rubs: Yay or Nay?

    whats to argue, its how meats been preserved/cured for hundreds of years?
  19. skully

    Mmmmmm Pork Pies

    i never new meat pies were something new???
  20. skully

    Ukranian and Smoked Bacon Summer

    lol...hilarious, never heard of beef or powdered milk and such in hungarian.  senior moment.  lol.  hungary, ukraine, close enuff i guess.  but thats how wars start in them regions