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  1. Finally got the exhaust pipe on :) PICS

    Finally got the exhaust pipe on :) PICS

  2. booplesmoke

    Finally got the exhaust pipe on :) PICS

    I love my Big Green Egg but I'm very excited about my Stick Burner :)!!!  While you guys are here, how long do you smoke your jerky for and at what temp? I haven't done Jerky before. 
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  8. booplesmoke

    Stick Burner Nube

    Thanks for the help guys!!!
  9. booplesmoke

    Stick Burner Nube

    Thank you. I don't have an unlimited supply either. If you can't tell the difference, then burning sticks sounds good to me  Thank you again for the info :) pointsss
  10. booplesmoke

    Stick Burner Nube

    As in just using thin splits to get it started and adding bigger pieces later? I've read it's good to burn off all of the bad stuff which is why coals are best for the most pure flavor. What are your thoughts on that? Thanks for the response :)
  11. booplesmoke

    Stick Burner Nube

    Hi guys, it's been a while since I've been on here. I am a Big Green Egg owner so burn barrels are new. I traded my old Traeger for an off-set smoker. I have read the advantages of a burn barrel but don't have  one at this time. I don't want to mix charcoal and wood. I'd really like to just...
  12. booplesmoke

    Vegetarian Pulled Pork

    So I just tried something new and it came out even better. I combined all of the ingredients "sauce included" and wrapped it in banana leaves. The flavor from the leaves were awesome, uniquely sweet :).
  13. booplesmoke


    It came out just fine :) I ran into pretty much what slip away did and have some tougher pieces in the middle. The outter pieces pulled fine. The family liked it, I just like my more soft. I'm not supposed to be eating pork anyways though lol


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  18. booplesmoke


    I foiled after 5 hours not when it hit 174. Oh well.... it is what it is. 183 is what it made it to
  19. booplesmoke


    I have a shoulder on the smoker, it has been stalled at 174 for over 30 minutes. I need to pull it in 50 minutes so it can rest for 30 in time for dinner. Any suggestions??? If it only reaches 180 do you think it will still be moist? I think the ideal temp is about 198 but don't see that being...
  20. booplesmoke

    Hanging Rib Roast
