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  1. rickb2202

    Amish White Sandwich Bread

    I have made this bread several times, with good success. it is outstanding !
  2. rickb2202

    new smoker !!!!!

    I am seasoning my new masterbilt electric smoker. I put 2 oven gauges inside to check controller temp. everything seens to be on the money so far. this is my first post here so a little about me. I live in central new mexico and have been a trucker for 49 years.... dang where did all that time...
  3. rickb2202

    hot max valve

    got the hot max valve installed last nite, soap checked all the new connections and lit it up.  it was totally controllable with the needle valve!!!!!!.  I installed mine at the front of the bottom door very similar to what lonestarmedic shows in his photos.  what a huge difference it made. I...
  4. rickb2202

    hot max valve

    thanks a lot lonestarmedic, the hole drilled lower in the valve was the key !!!!
  5. rickb2202

    Brick build

    great lookin work !!!
  6. rickb2202

    hot max valve

    so I received my hot max needle valve today,  and I have a couple of questions.  which side is the ''in'' side on the valve ?. its not marked with a flow arrow but im guessing its the female side.  also should it be installed right off the regulator or further downstream in the hose?.  thanks in...
  7. rickb2202

    Masterbuilt vertical smoker burner issues

    so... anyone know where to get a new control valve that fits ?