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  1. tjkoko

    #10 versus #12 manual grinder

    I'll probably get a #12 cast iron grinder for my Hobar N50 for superior cutting.
  2. tjkoko

    WSM 19" vs 22"

    Here's a loaded question, does the 22 incher use charcoal at a faster rate than the smaller unit??  Using an 18 in smoke ring inside of the 22 incher and  topped off, will it smoke/cook all night long??
  3. tjkoko

    #10 versus #12 manual grinder

    From what I can tell, the plates, blades and hand cranks are identical based on what I've seen on this page.  the only difference, however, is that the #10 is a portable grinder that clamps to the table whereas the #12 is more sedentary, it has four legs each of which bolt (permanently) to the...
  4. tjkoko

    Belly Tying Up The Smoker As It Becomes Bacon

    I leave skin on.  To promote better absorption of the cure from the skin side, I score the skin 1/4th inch deep every few inches.  Scoring really makes a difference in obtaining an even cure throughout the meat.
  5. tjkoko

    My approach to making country sausage

    Today I mixed the cure, the seasoning along with some water into 10# of boston.  It's setting in a Carlisle container with the lid on and the pile of meat is covered with a piece of plastic wrap - in the fridge for the next 24 hours to allow for the flavors to "blend" before wrapping in butcher...
  6. tjkoko

    First smoke on my Weber Smokey Mountains with Q-view!

    ...ta' blazes with snow..........................   8)
  7. tjkoko

    "New" Weber Smokey Mountain

    I've used my 18.5 WSM since '06 mostly for smoking bacon and beef jerky, ana all at a temperature of 145F (plus a little climb thereafter) and smoke time of five hours.  Tthe temperature holds steady, uses one chimney or less of charcoal, and requires only a small handful of smokewood, 6 thumb...
  8. tjkoko

    Casings for Andouille

    What's the preference here, hog casings or Beef Middles as indicated here?????
  9. tjkoko

    First Belly Bacon w/Q-View

    Please shoot me an email with your tasso recipe.  I live in porque country and would like to make a butt that's way spicier than what's available here.  Toooooo mild otherwise.
  10. tjkoko

    Hand Crank Meat Grinders

    Get yourself a new one and be done with it.  When it comes to a manual grinder, get it directly from Chop-Rite; and electric, well, you'll need to do the research yourself or read what others have posted in these forums.  If it's 10# of meat or less a month, it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes...
  11. tjkoko

    Porkert vs Chop Rite Grinder

    I'll stick with my #10 Chop-Rite as I'm uncertain if it's interchangeable with the #10 Porkert.
  12. tjkoko

    Hand Crank Meat Grinders

    You can order them directly from but I'm uncertain if they'll fit the Universal model.  You may need to trim it or whatever.
  13. tjkoko

    Porkert vs Chop Rite Grinder

    I found it at Ebay just recently, and it appeared to have all of the original accessories.
  14. tjkoko

    Porkert vs Chop Rite Grinder

    Chop-Rite is american made and therefore the quality of metal is probably better.
  15. tjkoko

    Porkert vs Chop Rite Grinder

    You can order parts directly from Chop-Rite, now known as Chop-Rite 2 and I think that their parts cost less than if ordered from a meat supply place.  And at least you know you're getting american-made equipment.
  16. tjkoko

    Old World Smoked Polish Sausage

  17. tjkoko

    Old World Smoked Polish Sausage

    Looks great.  What makes them 'old world', the smoke?   8)
  18. tjkoko

    Wsm top grate doesn't fit we'll

    If this is a brand new unit you might want to contact Weber customer service for a replacement.  Their customer service is nothing but stellar.  And perhaps one or more of the horizontal portion of the grate supports has been cut short.
  19. tjkoko

    Questionable areas after curing

    It's just fine.  One issue, however, is that when the smoking is finished, you should mail  the slabs, all of 'em, to me.