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  1. meesterq

    New guy from Seattle here

    I really love it, I purchased the GMG with wifi and I cannot tell you how amazing it is lol. Having to just open my phone, check the app it comes with to check temperatures of the smoker and meat inside it, get alerts if the pellet hopper is low, and set up different grilling profiles from the...
  2. meesterq

    New guy from Seattle here

    Hello! Former charcoal bullet smoker turned GMG pellet smoker here. Been bbq'ing for many years, but recently (within 1-2 years) have gotten pretty serious about it. Main reason I joined was because I'm trying to figure out how to get more smoke out of my GMG, amazen looks like a solution...
  3. meesterq

    cooking for the first time tomorrow a

    Cook as is, in my opinion.... However, I never smoke a partial brisket, so I could be wrong. What are you coming this on? Temperature of smoker? Target temperature of the brisket? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. meesterq

    Which of these smokers to buy?

    I love my GMG Daniel Boone, but I wished I could get stronger smoke flavor out of it. I "taught" myself on a cheap charcoal bullet smoker before I bought there GMG but if I had to do it again, I'd go straight to the GMG. Here are pictures of the last few smokes of brisket and a shot of beef ribs...