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  1. Setting up for first smoked bacon in MES

    Setting up for first smoked bacon in MES

  2. novasbc

    Setting up for first smoked bacon in MES

    I have previously done the buckboard bacon cure on my big smoker.  I had a difficult time maintaining the right temperature (low). Now that I have a digital smoker, I'm going to throw two bellies on.  I searched around, and decided to try this bacon cure recipe, and used the cure calculator...
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  4. novasbc

    Ready to make deer jerky tomorrow night in the MES

    To follow up, I put the jerky in a Ziploc bag for a couple of days (open), and now the jerky has the consistency I desired. It's tough, you have to leave it in your mouth before you can start to chew it up. This is precisely how my grandfather's jerky was, and I love it because it goes a lot...
  5. novasbc

    Ready to make deer jerky tomorrow night in the MES

    Throwing it into a pot of beans sounds potentially good, actually.
  6. novasbc

    Ready to make deer jerky tomorrow night in the MES

    Well, ruined my first jerky :(. Had it running at 140 degrees last night, and when I got up in the morning, it was a little moist for my preference. Had my wife pull a piece, and let it sit for a half an hour because I had to leave for work.  She agreed. I asked her to set it to 160 degrees...
  7. novasbc

    Ready to make deer jerky tomorrow night in the MES

    I thawed 6 pounds of deer meet I had cut up for jerky and vacuum packed from previous year's hunts.  Now that I have an MES + Mailbox Mod, it's time!  First recipe I modified from another post here that seemed very interesting.  The only things I did differently than his was: Added some ice...
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  14. Hot Jerky Try #1.PNG

    Hot Jerky Try #1.PNG

  15. Deer Jerky Try #1.PNG

    Deer Jerky Try #1.PNG

  16. novasbc

    Hopefully last newbie curing questions

    Said my piece to him about it being dangerous to drop the temperature and then later let them hang sure to the cure decomposing. He says the meat markets around do it the same way as he does, but I think they must not, or they would get dinged by the FDA. Regardless, thanks for the...
  17. novasbc

    Hopefully last newbie curing questions

    Thank you for confirming the danger of that recipe.  This helps me clarify things.  I was hoping in his case that having cure #1 in it would have been the right way, protecting from danger in the extended time in the smoker and hanging. Clearly, if the cure #1 has decomposed since the internal...
  18. novasbc

    Extended time in smoker with cure #1

    I went ahead and opened a post in the Food Safety forum, as I'm now thinking I have just misunderstood several things, and mixed up concerns between the two processes involving the different cures.
  19. novasbc

    Hopefully last newbie curing questions

    I have probably been driving myself crazy.  I do know the reasoning behind using the different cures during cooking & drying processes. Question #1: I have read several posts warning against freezing the meats, as the cures cause it to go rancid earlier.  I also read this post which is very...