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  1. mlol

    Spoilage, Flavor changing shortly after production finished...

    Well with the EU mostly the food laws are unified. And more strict than the US. How is adding lemon juice to my marinade not allowed for resale? Also oxygen absorber packets are legal here? Am I missing something? Thanks.
  2. mlol

    Spoilage, Flavor changing shortly after production finished...

    No, I am trying to keep all ingredients as natural as possible. I experimented last week with adding lemon juice (citric acid) as a natural preservative. Hopefully this + packaging with oxygen absorber <24h after production should solve the issue.
  3. mlol

    Spoilage, Flavor changing shortly after production finished...

    I am starting a small hand-made jerky business and have posted here a few times in the past. I noticed the delicious flavor of my jerky/marinade is leaving the meat within 3-4 days after production. I think the issue is how I am storing it. Currently I store it in a plastic tupperware that is...
  4. mlol

    Beef Jerky "Sweat", how to avoid?

    Hey everyone thanks for your input! I think it could be the fact that I didnt wait for the jerky to reach room temp before packaging, or that I need to let it air dry a little bit after the dehydration process. I noticed this same batch i did last time that was pretty sweaty afterwards, i...
  5. mlol

    Beef Jerky "Sweat", how to avoid?

    Thanks for the replies everyone, very helpful. It seems my issue is probably that I wasnt waiting for the jerky to cool to ambient temp enough. I will try this again via leaving it in the dehydrator turned off overnight. I will test this on the next batch this week. Now, I'm not using cure. I...
  6. mlol

    Beef Jerky "Sweat", how to avoid?

    I am working on finalizing my product for sale and recently started noticing my beef jerky sometimes starts to sweat. What is the best way to "stabilize" the jerky for packaging? Currently my process goes something like: 1. Dehydrate 4 hours 2. Put into air tight container to equalize...
  7. mlol

    Any experience with this "blue plastic tray" dehydrator?

    I know this isnt a smoker, but I thought I would ask before I buy it. This unit is shipping directly from china, alot of info on this page: Has anyone used one of these before or know someone who has...
  8. mlol

    Jerky Dehydrator/Smoker Build...

    Hey, thanks for the tips. Now the challenge would be finding a stainless steel box large enough that wouldnt break the bank. Any ideas? I have seen the fridge builds, not sure if that would make sense. Another thing I should mention: Im currently dehydrating in my apartment (live in the city)...
  9. mlol

    Pellet Sources

    Wondering where you guys are getting your pellets, obviously looking for the cheapest source out there :) I am in Germany, so I will have to pay shipping from the UK, hopefully its not too much. It would be nice if there was a shop here that sold them, or if there was an online shop that sold...
  10. mlol

    Jerky Dehydrator/Smoker Build...

    Hey all, I have been working on my jerky recipes for the past few months and am looking to upgrade from my cardboard box smoker to something bigger and a bit more professional. Ive seen alot of posts about different smokers. This will be used only to make jerky. Ideally the possibility of making...
  11. mlol

    Starting my first jerky smoke...

    The meat did start to sweat. I put it in a plastic bag but left it open, it seems i should have just left it on the drying rack, maybe even overnight? then bagged it? Any suggestions on how long to wait until you seal the jerky for storage?
  12. mlol

    Starting my first jerky smoke...

    First smoke went well fyi. Did it at about 155/160 for 4.5 hours. The jerky came out a bit hard, so maybe next time I would try 4 hours instead.
  13. mlol

    Starting my first jerky smoke...

    My meat is marinating right now, but before I start smoking I have a few questions first: 1. I read that in smoking other meats lots of people smoke with lump coal and then switch to wood chips/pellets only for a short period of time as to not oversmoke. Is that the same with jerky? Or is it...
  14. mlol

    My USA Shopping List...

    So I am a beginner smoker looking to get started. The bad thing is I live in Europe and the supplies for smokers are either alot less common (smoking only exists on a small scale here), or really expensive (also Euro to Dollar conversion is still in my favor at the moment). Good news, as you all...
  15. mlol

    Beginner Smoker...

    Fritz, Thanks alot!! This has me thinking about some alternatives. So far the main options I see are: 1. buy an expensive smoker (last option, high investment just to test) 2. Fridge smoker - could be getting too technical for my abilities, would probably need a friend to help with any...
  16. mlol

    MES 40 Gen 1 & Beef Jerky...

    I am looking to make some smoked beef jerky and was wondering if this is a good smoker for an inexperienced jerky maker to experiment with? Since it is on sale now I figured I should probably order one. I read electric smokers are good for jerky since you dont need high heat. Has anyone tried...
  17. mlol

    Beginner Smoker...

    That is very helpful thank you. Now Looking at the design I'm thinking: its basically a box with racks. Is there any particular advantage to building it from scratch out of wood? Or could i use something like an old fridge? (seen smokers made out of this before, just wondering if there is a...
  18. mlol

    Beginner Smoker...

    It is in fact just for jerky, I am considering doing some small batch jerky sales at the farmers markets to see if people would like smoked jerky. As for whats available here is what I see on amazon german site...
  19. mlol

    Beginner Smoker...

    Hey everyone, I want to try out my hand at smoking. I am looking for suggestions on a simple, hot smoker, that uses wood chips/pellets. Any suggestions? I will be smoking mostly beef jerky. I would prefer something not too expensive, I thought about a UDS, and that is an option but I dont know...
  20. mlol

    No-weld UDS (popular mechanics)

    So 4 holes means finer tuning capabilities? Think I got it.