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  1. jonboat

    Carpenter Bee Traps (Upgraded)

    I'm a bit of an el-cheapo, and those are beautiful traps, but I've gone the non aesthetically pleasing route with mine, using what I have laying around. - Just like your early version with "Free wood" I used scrap 2X4 that was laying around the garage for mine. Cut into squares (2x4x4) Put in...
  2. jonboat

    I'm back!

    I found that the temp changes very slowly, so yep, patience. I'm just using the thermometer on the lid. I figure if that stays between 225 nd 250, I'll be good to go. Second smoke went much better, followed your tip to leave the stack open and use the damper on the firebox for temp control. My...
  3. jonboat

    I'm back!

    So, Besides adding a grate to the bottom of the firebox - getting the coals up out of ash, I also went with the suggestion of keeping the stack wide open and adjusting using the damper on the firebox. one hour into the "2" of the 3-2-1 TBS for the final hour Final product... YUM!
  4. jonboat

    I'm back!

    Second smoke, switched from briquettes to lump and added a grate to the bottom of the fire box. Running right at 225-230 pretty consistently. Have my 3-2-1 ribs an hour into the "2".
  5. jonboat

    I'm back!

    Not that anyone probably missed me too much with all of the great members and discussion. I've not smoked anything in a couple years since my old, modified ECB was in such rough shape that I always had to debate myself over using it again. Well, now I can finally retire it for good, since I...
  6. jonboat

    Candied Salmon / Indian Candy w/ Q-view

    Absolutely correct. That is one of the reasons that there is a lot more catch & release with steelhead than there is with the Pacific salmon (chinook, coho, and rare pink). The Pacific's die after spawning, so they are harvested much more often.
  7. jonboat

    Candied Salmon / Indian Candy w/ Q-view

    Steelhead are actually large sea-run rainbow trout. Or in my part of the country, large Lake Ontario rainbow trout. When they are in the ocean or Great Lakes, they don't have that rainbow look. they look like shiny stainless steel - likely why they're called steel head. When they hit rivers and...
  8. jonboat

    Typical look of Indian candy

    I cut cross-grain on mine. photos I've seen of indian candy that is commercially sold is cut that way. Personally, since I'm using an ECB, I find that I can cram a lot more fish in my smoker, while leaving space between the pieces, if I cut them this way. Longer strips on the small round grates...
  9. jonboat

    Final Smoked Salmon with recipe, instructions, and Qview

    Been seeing reports of some early-run salmon in the Salmon River already. They're catching some already. Not the mad-house we'll see come october, but there are some fish in the river already. One note... of the nine fish our crew caught on Ontario last week, only one had a clipped adipose fin...
  10. jonboat

    Its Tuna Season Here!!

    Never been a fan of tuna, but was never a fan of salmon either, so, knowing how smoking makes salmon into a real treat, I can only imagine that smoke performs the same miracle with tuna as it does with salmon. That looks really tasty. Thanks for the q-view!
  11. jonboat

    Salmon questions

    +1 on the fish candy. I just did up a bunch over the weekend and hid a lot of it in the freezer so it wouldn't disappear too quick (I want some too!). A good brine and a smoker make for a great equalizer when it comes to salmon. For grilling, I prefer the ones we get out of Lake Ontario during...
  12. Batch of kings into candy tomorrow.

    Batch of kings into candy tomorrow.

  13. jonboat

    Batch of kings into candy tomorrow.

    cross-grain... and here's the Q-view: Raw material (these are 20- 25 pounders) I'm glad I catch them instead of buying them. Checked out king salmon fillets at Wegman's supremarket seafood counter, and they're getting $12.99 per pound!!!! holy highway robbery! Garage fridge - brining meat...
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