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  1. killmeh

    question aout how long pork is good for

    so 7 days even if it was frozen, i defrosted it and cooked...its still good for 7 days after being recooked?
  2. killmeh

    question aout how long pork is good for

    ok, so i had some pulled pork frozen, took it out, made some fajitas and long do you think the leftover fajita'd pulled pork is good for?
  3. killmeh

    2 pork butts 1/15/2011

    Here is the final product, a whole lot of pulled pork....time to think of things to cook with these left overs lol, the platters are one of those huge "crawfish boil" platters....i need to weigh it to see how much i have here lol  
  4. killmeh

    2 pork butts 1/15/2011

    here are the 2 pigs before resting in the cooler then pulling, if you noticed they were so tender that the bone and such started to slide off while moving from the pit to the plates to wrap them only took a little more than 12 1/2 hours, i tried a piece and it is delicious
  5. killmeh

    2 pork butts 1/15/2011

    Look like the start of something good, both pork butts went on at 4:30am this morning, currently sitting at 165 about to be foiled and put back on until ~195ish
  6. killmeh

    what to smoke as a newbie

    package says 1-14-2011 for the sell by date, i read it wrong, which is friday so i should be safe to cook for early saturday right?
  7. killmeh

    what to smoke as a newbie

    well i bought a pack of 2 that are cyrovac wrapped (or however you spell it), total is 18.24 lbs, but i am wondering,t he date on it says sell by 1/11/2010 (did not notice this), it should be good til saturday if kept refrigerated right?, that is when i plan on smoking it
  8. killmeh

    what to smoke as a newbie

    thanks, ill have to follow that, now to just finda good rub to use also, instead of the rum (he uses 3 to 1 apple to rum spray), i wonder if 100% apple would work
  9. killmeh

    what to smoke as a newbie

    ok cool, im going to try 2 5-8lbers and pull them, figure me and my gf can eat some pulled pork sandwiches for a while with 10lbs ofpulled pork lol anyone have a good recipe that is kinda step by step that i can follow for preperation and everything
  10. killmeh

    Maverick redichek ET-732

    it came in today chris, at work right now so havent had time to play with it yet, ill let you know how it goes tho!
  11. killmeh

    what to smoke as a newbie

    Would yall suggest cutting the 2 in half? or is it usual to leave them hole
  12. killmeh

    what to smoke as a newbie

    i like this idea...i think i will do this and find a nice reciep to follow and try to smoke it, like he said if all else fails, foil and the oven will work lol next newb question...both on top rack, or one on top and one on bottom?  
  13. killmeh

    what to smoke as a newbie

  14. killmeh

    what to smoke as a newbie

    Yes i have a wlamart digital probe and my Maverick et-732 just came in today so i will be using those so about average how long will 2 8lbers take compared to one
  15. killmeh

    what to smoke as a newbie

    I think i am going to try the pork butt will having 2 8 pound pork butts increase your cooking time as compared to only a single 8lb'er also any general tips? as in at walmart (really only meat store here) are they marked as pork shoulder or boston butt or what?
  16. killmeh

    what to smoke as a newbie

    i have an 18.5 WSM the thing about the butt, im not sure what quality of meat to look for (it is pork shoulder right?) i might have to try that, and in the cheapo brinkmann i have do some ABTs
  17. killmeh

    what to smoke as a newbie

    I have only done ribs and some beer butt chicken...any ideas what to do this weekend? I want to attempt a pork butt and make pulled pork but im not sure if i am ready for a 12hr+ any ideas?
  18. killmeh

    first smoke on the WSM

    i love it, i used the recipe u can find on the virtual weber bullet board
  19. killmeh

    first smoke on the WSM

    oh yeah basted with apple juice and pan full of water, idk if its just the 2011 WSM but man the water pan is huge
  20. killmeh

    first smoke on the WSM

    nope forgot to foil the water pan, oh well live and learn....temps didnt run hot at all i find, started off with half of the ring filled with unlit then put 32 lit on top and temps thru the whole cook (about 4 1/2 hours) were from 225 to 245 with vents at either 15% or 25%...hell it was still...