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  1. masonbone

    Pork shoulder Gmg pellet smoker

    will do, thanks for the info
  2. masonbone

    Pork shoulder Gmg pellet smoker

    I agree I don't like overpowering smoke either, maybe my grill is defective bc it doesn't even leave a noticeable ring at all if I smoke at 225 the whole time. This time I did 165 for 6 hours, 185 for 4, then finished at 225 in my oven bc I wrapped it. Save the pellets! Turned out swell. Thx...
  3. masonbone

    Pork shoulder Gmg pellet smoker

    Hoping for some opinions here. I've been smoking for a few years now on my Daniel Boone and love it. I have not however made a pork shoulder on it that has turned out as well as on my Mes. My Mes has died, may she rip. So my main question is, when smoking a butt, do you all run your pellet...
  4. masonbone

    Costco Butts!

    I probably should have specified, I pretty much do pulled pork with the bone-ins every time. Maybe I need to graduate to something else.
  5. masonbone

    Costco Butts!

    Oh man, my wife convinced me to switch from Sams to Coscto. I just went to pick up some butts to smoke this weekend and realized they are Boneless! What the heck!! Who would want that? Anyways, just looking for some input. Has anyone used these from Costco? How'd they compare to bone-in...
  6. masonbone

    Mes w pellet pro or comparable conversion

    Thanks for all the details, that's just what I needed. Think I may give it a try
  7. masonbone

    Mes w pellet pro or comparable conversion

    The smoke daddy looks good. 125 for the big one isn't bad. Which one do you use and how long will it produce smoke? I didn't see a lot on the site about how it actually works. Can you explain the setup process for each time you use it? Is there any maintenance/upkeep? Do you have it mounted...
  8. masonbone

    Mes w pellet pro or comparable conversion

    The amazen is good, no question. I ought to be satisfied with that I suppose. I don't know why I always want to try something else. If anyone has an experience, I'm all ears
  9. masonbone

    Mes w pellet pro or comparable conversion

    I'd just need it for smoke. I wonder if those things are meant to provide enough heat to cook though. I like the electric aspect of the mes. Maybe it would be a mix of electric heat and wood generated heat. The amazen thing does a good job, but it's a bit of a hassle to setup when it's freezing...
  10. masonbone

    Mes w pellet pro or comparable conversion

    Hey guys, Been smoking with my mes 40 for a year now w the amazen pellet tray. Works good most of the time. In fact, just did a butt last night in chicagos sub zero temps. Held 220 pretty consistently. Anyways, I am by nature, a tinkerer and never satisfied. I though it'd be cool to try and...
  11. masonbone

    Pulled Pork in Mes

    Wow, 20 hours! Maybe I better out in on Saturday night then. Thanks for the info. I thinking I'm leaning toward the bark vs. the foil. I foiled the Brisket I just did and wasn't too happy with the bark. I can't use water with the amps right?
  12. masonbone

    Pulled Pork in Mes

    Evening fellas, For SB Sunday I'm going to do my first Boston Butt in my Mes 40. This will be my 3rd smoke in it. Started with Ribs, then Brisket, now on to my favorite! Any tips would be helpful from you vets out there. I'm going to use the amps, not sure on the wood yet, but I've got just...
  13. masonbone

    MES Model Number Question

    Great, thanks for your reply and the link. I just wasn't sure why there were so many models out there. Maybe each store has its own model? Anyways, I can't wait to get this sucker out in the snow this weekend and see how she performs.
  14. masonbone

    MES Model Number Question

    Hello All, New to the forum and to MES Smoking.  I will get to the role call, but had a quick question first.  I got a MES 40 Smoker from Cabelas for Christmas, model number 20070512.  Is this basically the same as the one at Sams Model number 20072612?  It's hard to tell when looking on the...