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  1. beansbaxter

    Can't decide on a budget offset smoker , Char-Griller smokin pro vs. Chair Broil Deluxe Gourmet, vs

    Now that I have a WSM, I wouldn't either but it's definitely a viable option, especially with an ATC. Another thought is picking up a 14.5" WSM for $200 to take care of your smoking needs and a craigslist kettle for few bucks more. That would be in the same price range as your other choices and...
  2. beansbaxter

    Can't decide on a budget offset smoker , Char-Griller smokin pro vs. Chair Broil Deluxe Gourmet, vs

    I had a Char-Griller Smokin' Pro with the side fire box until tree crushed it during an ice storm. I replaced it with a Weber 22.5" kettle that is better at grilling. With a couple of fire bricks and a cheap ATC it's better at smoking too. I'm able to smoke two butts or 4 racks of ribs or a...
  3. beansbaxter

    How to reseason cast iron??

    Use flax seed oil. There's science to back this up. Read here for all you'll ever need to know about cast iron seasoning:
  4. beansbaxter

    Reheat my butt in zip bags

    I should also add that while SC Johnson seems to have some reservations about boiling their bags, Glad's South African subsidiary is posting recipes using their bags:
  5. beansbaxter

    Reheat my butt in zip bags

    I've used freezer zip-loc bags to reheat pulled pork without a problem. I usually put the bag in a crockpot with some hot water and turn it on low. It's worked great every time and there's been no leaks. Just be sure to double check the seal. It works better if you put the meat in the bag when...
  6. beansbaxter

    Smoking meat in MA

    Hey guys, I've browsed these forums for a while and I'm finally getting around to registering. I had a Char-Griller Smokin Pro for several years before I knew any better. I was able to get passable que from it with enough work and modifications. I would have stuck with it but an ice storm came...