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  1. moachaser

    Sous-vide finishing sausage... do I need to "bloom" after?

    I saw some threads where people are finishing their sausage with sous-vide, for consistent results. I'm a fan of that, I use sous-vide for a lot of things so I'm doing this going forward. My question is, since the sausage is vacuum sealed, after sous-vide is done, is it OK to freeze after...
  2. moachaser

    MES40 isn't heating up anymore

    Thank you! I opened up the back and found that one of the connectors was corroded off of the high temp safety switch. I bypassed it with a wire nut and it's heating up now. I have one ordered from AliExpress, $9.99 (Masterbuilt was sold out, and other places were $25 if they even had them in...
  3. moachaser

    MES40 isn't heating up anymore

    I have the Masterbuilt 20070311 40-Inch Top Controller Electric Smoker with RF control. It worked perfectly until recently, it started to heat up, got to about 125°, then just stopped heating. The temperature slowly fell until it reached ambient temperature; now the heating element doesn't react...
  4. moachaser

    New and ready to start smoking.

    Hi, new here, after doing a bunch of reading and research I am planning on picking up a MES 20070311 and start smoking when the weather breaks... it's below 0 right now! We get up to 4 deer a year and spend more than we should at the processor's getting bologna, hot sticks, etc done for us...