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  1. vertigo91

    My first try at 3-2-1, St. Louis ribs with Q view

    Looking great! Nice job!
  2. vertigo91

    Shoulder Smoke (with a couple pictures)

    Looks awesome, I think I might lift that rub recipe next time. I have one smoking now. GO SEAHAWKS!! (I live very close to Washington DC, so it's RG3 this, RG3 that....what about Russell Wilson, eh?!?!) Tim
  3. vertigo91

    Myron's rib marinade

    I got Myron's book for Christmas from my brother in law, and noticed this recipe as well...sounds rather odd, but am hoping someone out there has tried it before I guinea pig someone first!!
  4. vertigo91

    JJ's Finishing Sauce...Awesome!!!

    Smoking a butt right now, so when the wifey watches the smoker for me, I'll hunt down the needed ingredients for this and will try it out tonight! I have made and love SoFlaQuer's finishing sauce, so I am curious about yours as well! Tim
  5. vertigo91

    Favorite beers

    Based on my avatar pic, I have to go with Miller High Life. I drank Budweiser for years, but have been living the High Life for a year now, and I question why it took me so long to switch!! As long as the brew is cold, the Q is hot, and the tunes are righteous, so am I!! Tim
  6. vertigo91

    SoFlaQuer's Finishing Sauce (For Pulled Pork)

    I will definitely have to try this one next time I do a butt...can't happen soon enough!
  7. vertigo91

    Char-Griller Duo

    Got the Duo last month, and have done two Boston Butts, and totally love the smoker. My wife likes the ease of the grill side, but I am definitely preferring some low and slow Q!!  
  8. vertigo91

    Saturday Brisket (Q-View)

    Beautiful smoke rings!! Definitely some good eating there!