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  1. C

    Boudin Quesadilla

    Gonna have to try this. Still have quite a bit of boudin in the freezer, made with your recipe Inda. Only thing I do differently is I usually smoke it when I'm done. Labor intensive for sure, but worth it!
  2. C

    Hello from East Tennessee

    Greetings from Knoxville, glad to have you on board!
  3. C

    Cast Iron On Glass Top Range?

    I redid our kitchen about a year and a half ago and in the process of doing so my wife decided that she wanted an induction cooktop (which has a glass surface). She's the primary cook, using vintage cast iron cookware on it almost exclusively and she tends to be a little rough on things, but it...
  4. C

    Couple more CI pans redone

    I cleaned my first couple of pieces of cast iron cookware with a wire brush, but today I wouldn't clean anything with possible collectible value that way. #5 Griswold included. And self cleaning ovens are considered bad news for cast iron among collectors. I've cleaned a lot of pans with...
  5. C

    Knife question(s)

    All of that advice on care and sharpening is good. Some can never seem to manage a stone, but there are a number of gadgets out there that do a fine job for those who can't hold the angle on a stone. It's up to you, how good you are with your hands, and if it's a pastime for you or just a chore...
  6. C

    Knife question(s)

    I hesitate to jump in here as I have less experience with knife use in butchery or the kitchen than I do in the greater knife community (I have served as the editor for a knife magazine for the last 24 years, and have dabbled in knives for most of my life). I am a BIGTIME supporter of the custom...
  7. C

    InkBird - No longer in business??

    Glad to hear the cable worked out for you, in any case. It occurred to me that I could have misidentified the cable and led you astray... that would have been bad!
  8. C

    Middle Tennessee meetup April 2021

    Sounds like fun! April is a long ways off under the circumstances but I'll sure consider it when it gets closer. I just started this summer and have a lot to learn but have been encouraged by the successes based on what I've learned here. Am sure I could learn a lot from a gathering like this...
  9. C

    Inkbird's vacuum sealer

    I bought one of these in December, before the half-off special, and we've been very pleased with it. Had never used a vacuum sealer before but we're using this all the time.
  10. C

    InkBird - No longer in business??

    Somehow I lost my cable for the 6X and it's not turned up all week. Today, as the Inkbird was running low on charge, I went digging through the drawer of cables and connectors and voila -- in the bottom I found a little mini-USB to USB-C connector. Coupled to a standard mini-USB cable, that did...
  11. C

    Looking for a smoked Tuna recipe

    Cold smoked tuna? Now I'm watching with interest!
  12. C

    Easy-crank sausage stuffer

    That's a good idea, Dave. I have an Enterprise like yours all restored and ready to go but haven't made sausage since I put it back together. Will keep this in mind!!
  13. C

    Turkey Brine for smoking

    Big fan here of Jeff's buttermilk brine with a turkey breast. I brine overnight and smoke a skinless breast with hickory, wrapping in foil after 2 hours and skipping the butter-herb part. I'm not yet ready to post my cooks here, but when I get there the first one will probably be my take on...
  14. C

    1/16 thin sliced jerky examples?

    I prefer it thin and sliced with the grain too. Have run a few batches like that -- I slice first, cure with an overnight brine including Cure #1 (and NO sugar), rinse off, pat dry and spread out on racks, seasoning with plenty of fresh ground black pepper and smoking with hickory. This gets...
  15. C

    Natural gas smokers

    Not trying to sell you a Camp Chef, I promise, but here is the page for their natural gas conversions: Natural Gas Connection Kit -- I don't recall how it affects the warranty, but at least CC is supporting conversions to some extent. Download the Natural Gas Conversion Guide at the bottom of...
  16. C

    Natural gas smokers

    I bought a Camp Chef Smoke Vault this year, and with propane I just could not get a flame without a lot of yellow in it. I had designs on converting to natural gas anyway, so within two weeks I converted it. For me, it runs MUCH better on natural gas and of course the fuel is cheaper too. YMMV...
  17. C

    Boudin Stock Day!!

    Following along Inda! Maybe it was part of your master plan to get us thinking we all need to make more of your boudin. My first batch was made before I even had a workable stuffer (or grinder for that matter) and I turned it all into boudin balls. Which did not last long. Now I've worked my...
  18. C

    I Have The Best Brother In Law

    Thanks for sharing that Jake, what an awesome story. With everything going on in the world right now we could all use more examples of the good in people. You sir have one heck of a brother in law -- and one cool Jeep!!
  19. C

    Cast Iron Electrolysis Rust Removal

    Agreed -- it's about how much. Like there's probably some mouse poop in your Cheerios, the only question is how many PPB. I have not seen where anyone really has the answer to the levels of hexavalent chromium for stainless in an electrolysis tank. And I'm not necessarily recommending stainless...
  20. C

    Cast Iron Electrolysis Rust Removal

    This is the method I have been using for the last two years: I've cleaned maybe 3-4 dozen pieces of cast iron cookware so far, a bunch of tools as large as a post vise and lots of odds and ends. Works beautifully. Get to scrubbing and...