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  1. lectro88

    Meat slicer given to me

    You are most welcome, Enjoy your classic. The Oldie Goldie's are the best. My slicer is the better part of 200 lbs. from the 60's -70's Its a CHUNK of stainless steel mostly. Like yours.
  2. lectro88

    Meat slicer given to me

    You will enjoy that. I kinda don't want to post this but knowing what I do, I have to. I have a Hobart I forget model # 2017 or 2019 with auto 2 speed. Be Careful with it in 2 ways. Cutting and Cleaning. If you get any body part near that blade its a really bad day. Really fast. Worst thing is...
  3. lectro88

    Mechanical issue with oki joe highlandr

    I had some problem. My Fix. bought 2 flat stainless steel washers and 1 lock washer. put 1 flat inside and 1 outside along with lock washer outside. No more troubles for me.
  4. lectro88

    Increasing draw

    Ok. Hand me the barbecue sauce. Time to eat Crow. I had been up 20 hours. And started smoker about midnight and put briskets on at 1:30am. Wrapped it and tossed it in oven at 5:30am. And had trouble navigating site last night too. On the not so smart phone. So it was the perfect storm and I...
  5. lectro88

    Increasing draw

    Ok. Can some moderator jump in here and tell me why my posts aren't being seen. I posted these last night about 11pm. its 5:52 the next day. And This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors. I'm a member of 5-8 other forums. Heavy Equipment, Tractor by net...
  6. lectro88

    Increasing draw

    Sorry for a 3rd post. If you have a stack damper I always leave it open and throttle temp with door damper. And I used to try and run low and slow, and that always let me drop too low. Like 180 then 150 then dangit 100.! and then it stalls and crashes and its another 30 minutes or hour if your...
  7. lectro88

    Increasing draw

    I'm going out about midnite to start mine. be cooking by 3am. It should be done by next Tuesday. LOL
  8. lectro88

    Increasing draw

    I have argued many times wit my smoker and lost. with. It takes me at least an hour to get smoker good and hot run the sweat out of it from being cold and warming up. I don't use lighter fluid just paper small pieces wood and some charcoal to get things rolling. Before you put the meat on let...
  9. lectro88

    More fun, offset or pellet smoker?

    Hello All. Now I enjoy my off-set..But it is a lot of work to keep the temp where you want it. You HAVE to "BABY SIT it"  For me its every 15-30 minutes. (thats just my opinion) Now I don't use bought wood. We cut and split our own as I heat with wood as a supplement.  So my burn may not be...
  10. lectro88

    Used horizon 16"

    Lowes is running OKJ  Highland for $254.00 for Labor day and I think I saw its til the 15th. I just got 1 and going to get 1 more as you can't buy metal for that and it a good starting point. Regardless of the simple complaints. You sure couldn't get the metal cut and weld it yourself for $254...
  11. lectro88

    New member terrible beef

    OK.  I was able to salvage the meat. It smoked about 2.5 hrs.(2:00-4:30) between 150-200 the london, and thick strips were 112  degrees. (I know london isn't a cut of meat but you know what I'm talking about) The thin strips I haven't decided yet as they are what got me alarmed. and still...
  12. lectro88

    Hello All

    Ok, So Here goes, I have been smoking and grilling a long time at age 48. and still make pretty big screw ups. Have built many trailer cookers (heavy) with stainless burner tubes that I fabbed and drilled 100's holes for V flame. These were so inefficient its a shame of the metal used and...
  13. lectro88

    New member terrible beef

    Hello all. My first post and why I joined. Hope to learn a lot more. I'm close to 50 and thought I knew. Oh well. Now I have been grilling and I thunked smoking for a long time but I had a lousy turn out today. Rubbed 3 different kinds beef with Long Horn rub and put on my new smoker and It...