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  1. smokininthegarden

    Jalapeno - Fresh or Dried

    if the diced jalapenos are properly drained before adding to the paste this will not be a problem. I have been doing this for years and never had a binding issue.
  2. smokininthegarden

    Jalapeno - Fresh or Dried

    I have tried all the different types but my preference is for pickled. if youbhave some fresh jalapenos just slice them then marinate them in a simple brine (white vinegar, water and salt) for a couple of days they will then be ready to use in your sausage. just dice them first. or you could...
  3. smokininthegarden

    Somebody To Double Check My Numbers

    Another really easy way to do this is to just start breaking the numbers down by half until you get something close to what you want. For example: For 25 lbs meat = 2 lbs seasoning breaks down to 12.5 lbs meat = 1 lb seasoning 6# 4oz meat = 8 oz seasoning 3# 2oz meat = 4 oz seasoning And so...
  4. smokininthegarden

    Adding different spices to traditional ham cure

    If you use a dry rub cure instead of a brine cure the possibilities are nearly endless.
  5. smokininthegarden

    Batched bacon cure seasoning?

    That is something I have never been comfortable with trying. There is the possibility that some of the mix ingredients could settle to the bottom and not be included in what gets removed from the batch. When working with a product where some of the mix ingredients are critical (Cure #1, #2 etc.)...
  6. smokininthegarden

    Starter culture

    Thanks swamp I was more or less thinking that but thought I would ask just to clarify. Cal
  7. smokininthegarden

    Starter culture

    I was planning on making some salami today so when I got up this morning I mixed a small amount of culture with water to let it "wake up" but of course I got sidetracked and never got around to making the salami. My question is will that mixture still be good to use tomorrow? Maybe give it...
  8. smokininthegarden

    Cabbage sausage

    Hey everyone, just curious if anyone has ever tried putting fresh cabbage in sausage? I'm thinking something like a potato sausage only substitute finely shredded cabbage for the potatoes. It might be really good and yes next time I grind some pork I will try it. But for now just wondering if...
  9. smokininthegarden

    Air fryer bread

    OK thanks I'll try again one of these days and see what I come up with. Cal
  10. smokininthegarden

    Air fryer bread

    Hey Chop My fryer is just a cheap one nothing to get excited about. After some thought about this I may have been a bit hasty to blame it on the air fryer. The dough was a bit over proofed when I put it in. I should know better than to go out and mow my lawn when I have bread in the proofer...
  11. smokininthegarden

    Air fryer bread

    Hey tbern The first thing it did was fall as soon as I put it in, maybe from the fans? Not sure, then it scorched on the top but I was following a cooking temp I found online so that could probably be remedied by adjusting the temp. This isn't something I plan on doing often I was just trying...
  12. smokininthegarden

    Air fryer bread

    Anyone here tried cooking bread in an airfryer? My first attempt was less than ideal. If you have had any success please let me know. Cal
  13. smokininthegarden

    Pancetta Arrotolata Stagionata

    Nice job Swamp you do some beautiful work. Cal
  14. smokininthegarden

    Soppressata Investida (pork tenderloin stuffed salami)

    Nice job swamp that turned out really well. Cal
  15. smokininthegarden


    I use zip ties, they are quick to put on and very strong. Cal
  16. smokininthegarden

    Twisted bacon

    Thanks guys for all of the nice comments. Cal
  17. smokininthegarden

    Twisted bacon

  18. smokininthegarden

    Twisted bacon

    Here is my latest venture into the world of home cured bacon. As with most attempts at developing a new recipe this started out as something entirely different than what it ended up being. But i am glad it did. I started with a 3# piece of pork belly split lengthwise down the middle then...
  19. smokininthegarden

    Calabrian Sopressata

    Thanks I'll look into this
  20. smokininthegarden

    Calabrian Sopressata

    Nice! I am curious, what are you using for Calabria powder the only one I can find has a lot of salt in it. Not what I want.