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  1. civilsmoker

    Boat rebuild

    Got a bucket of popcorn for the show!
  2. civilsmoker

    Brisket, ribs, ribs, sausage and bologna

    Holy smoked meat Batman!!!! That’s and impressive load of meat on that cooker!!!! Very nicely done!
  3. civilsmoker

    Jumbo Shrimp Boil!! Pics. Added

  4. civilsmoker

    Sunterra Colossus Offset Smoker

    That is a nice looking cooker!!! Congrats!!!
  5. civilsmoker

    2024 Scholarship Auction Build

    Set the guard…. Snug as a bug in a rug! This build is going to have a hidden threaded through tang….. so drill, tap, and mill the pommel…ps I use a shop vac wand to keep the milling area clean and tidy while it’s chomping! All done….. love the mini mill!!! Next up is to add the threaded stud...
  6. civilsmoker

    More Iconic Aircraft - Hill Air Force Base Museum Visit - lots o pics….

    I screen shot these from the vid……just beautiful!!!! As one that specializes in geometry…….the flow lines (from a fluid mechanics perspective) are pure magic. Ie the faster this beast goes the more the air flow helps stabilize it…… This profile……it makes me speechless! Seeing one and or...
  7. civilsmoker

    More Iconic Aircraft - Hill Air Force Base Museum Visit - lots o pics….

    Very cool and impressive all around! I remember watching the "frozen turkey" 777 engine test to prove a double engine plane could be of the coolest/craziest things I have ever seen from a testing perspective!!!!!
  8. civilsmoker

    More Iconic Aircraft - Hill Air Force Base Museum Visit - lots o pics….

    just a :emoji_clap: all around, the things you have done and can't talk about is honoring to those that don't know what it did for us!
  9. civilsmoker

    Happy smoker! New Yoder YS640S

    Congrats that is a nice smoker! Enjoy and get is seasoned up!
  10. civilsmoker

    Busy Baking Day

    Man those look good!!!
  11. civilsmoker

    More Iconic Aircraft - Hill Air Force Base Museum Visit - lots o pics….

    FA, yea one size doesn't always fit all! The electronics side is whole other side of WOW on these birds. When I was doing the "tour" of the 777 the most impressive and standout image was the sheer numbers of cables and wires above the luggage racks and above the ceiling panels.....I mean each...
  12. civilsmoker

    More Iconic Aircraft - Hill Air Force Base Museum Visit - lots o pics….

    I watched the unveiling and read the press. Some of my fav classic Star Treks are those with the cloaking birds of prey.....TV fantasy in reality!
  13. civilsmoker

    More Iconic Aircraft - Hill Air Force Base Museum Visit - lots o pics….

    I was thinking mach 3+ by how they were talking and what an engineering/craftsman achievement!!!! I've read about the Blackbird needing a full week of "recovery" time after each flight and that many of the upper leadership didn't care to invest in the "need for speed".....makes me wonder if...
  14. civilsmoker

    New Toy

    Nice congrats and enjoy, I wish I had a tomahawk steak for tomorrow!
  15. civilsmoker

    More Iconic Aircraft - Hill Air Force Base Museum Visit - lots o pics….

    I watched that vid and seeing the YF-23 in the air was just flat amazing! The lines from the side give me Blackbird vibs...that bird was a thing of beauty!!!! and I would really really really like to know how fast it went!!!! Seeing one in person is now on the bucket list!
  16. civilsmoker

    More Iconic Aircraft - Hill Air Force Base Museum Visit - lots o pics….

    Yes, please any info would be welcomed! And just saying why on earth didn't they keep both??????
  17. civilsmoker

    More Iconic Aircraft - Hill Air Force Base Museum Visit - lots o pics….

    That looks like a Klingon bird of prey just wicked!
  18. civilsmoker

    More Iconic Aircraft - Hill Air Force Base Museum Visit - lots o pics….

    Not many people have seen that in person!!! Very cool!
  19. civilsmoker

    My first picana!

    Looks might tasty and good call on the salt side…..that’s pretty much all they need and a bit more of a rest helps carry over the inside but the sear after slicing is a perfect tasty bite too!
  20. civilsmoker

    More Iconic Aircraft - Hill Air Force Base Museum Visit - lots o pics….

    That cup is in pretty good shape! It would have been something to be there for that for sure!