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  1. S

    Unsure about which smoker

    Sure is. That’s about 30 minutes northeast of us.
  2. S

    Unsure about which smoker

    Budget is basically 1500 and under at this time.
  3. S

    Unsure about which smoker

    Thanks for the replies. I will need the ability to feed between 4 and 20. I was looking into a Brazos offset , but it is only available from Academy in Texas. I was concerned with the Gateway as you can only add wood at the beginning of the cook without having to remove the meat later.
  4. S

    Unsure about which smoker

    Good afternoon all. My name is Anthony and this is my first post. I have been smoking meats for about 3 years now. I started with a chargriller trio and was then gifted a Traeger pro 575. I always enjoyed the taste of wood and charcoal and wish to go back to it. However, the quality of the...