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  1. C

    pork butt grinding fat glob question.

    I agree with chopsaw. I went with the 2 guys and a cooler advice. I don't grind untill the meat is 34 deg or less. Depending on how big a batch start at like 30 or 29 deg so your not on the edge of too warm. Check during the grind and go back in the freezer part way through if needed. Cube the...
  2. C

    usable cuts for burger grinding

    Not sure about the best cuts as I'm from Canada and all the cuts you mention are way too expensive for burgers. I have used brisket trim for burgers and didn't really notice any flavor difference. I prefer 85/15 fat for burgers, good balance of juicy and doesn't shrink too much. IMO Corey
  3. C

    ECA failure.

    "I only mentioned a reaction , because it's made for making candy . Has a lower melting point . Is that because it's a thinner coating or a different type of coating ?"  I think you are completely correct. Been doing so more reading. Evidently there is a few different types of waxes or...
  4. C

    ECA failure.

    I was gonna grab some of the modernist pantry stuff as they ship to the Canada but the cost would have been crazy. Im paying 50 bucks for a pound from Halfords, it would have been 75 bucks a pound through Modernist. I paid 36 dollars for the stuff I used this morning but clearly its not the...
  5. C

    ECA failure.

    I had done a lot of research on ECA and from what I have read it is to be added right before stuffing and the big thing is don't mix vigorously just light. I watched a 2 guys and a cooler video when they even use a meat mixer, so it seems its not supposed to be terribly fragile as he mixes for a...
  6. C

    ECA failure.

    I started to question my methods and maybe I was too rough with the mixing etc. I was very gentle with the whole process, I really don't know if I could have been any more careful. Just seemed that this ECA was made of glass and no amount of care could keep the capsules from breaking. If anyone...
  7. C

    ECA failure.

    This has been touched on in the past but not exactly so I figured would just start a quick thread if I may. If nothing else I can wallow in self pitty for a bit. I just had a major failure using ECA. I'm from Canada and getting ECA is very difficult, I did find some through a mail order...
  8. C

    Char-Griller too hot

    Seems there is an issue with those regulator on the DUO. I have the same unit and mine did the exact opposite of what you are describing. Wouldn't get up to temp. The regulator was knocking the propane pressure/flow down way too much. Hardly a whisper. I went with an adjustable one off Amazon...
  9. C

    First Summer Sausage in a long time.

    Wow, you got a lot of sausage from 5 lbs of meat. What size of casings are you using? Looking good . Corey
  10. C

    Question about cubing meat for Kielbasa

    Question for those who cube their meat for kielbasa. In the past i have just ground all the meat and stuffed/smoked as usual. I was gonna try holding back some meat to add cubes to the ground. Want to shoot for the nice chunky texture. Question is, what is a good amount to cube over stuffing...
  11. C

    Initial burn in, smoke from ash pot?

    I have an older Camp Chef Lux . There is a little latch on the fire cup slider lever to keep it in place, its sypposed to fall into a slot on the rod. If the latch falls down and you close the slider, the latch will hold the slider open just a tiny bit and not allow it to seat properly. Not sure...
  12. C

    I'm Rich...

    Hell, I win those at least twice a month. From a king in saudia arabia no less.! Corey
  13. C

    I think I wrecked my taste buds.

    I have had an absolutely great summer and fall for smoking meat. The weather has been really good. I did at least 6 briskets, a few batches of short ribs, pulled pork, St louis ribs, pretty beef heavy. I realized I didn't do ANY steaks, ribeyes are the favorite in the house. Realizing this, I...
  14. C

    Mill Scale inside of smoker

    That looks like cold rolled steel so your not really seeing millscale. Hot rolled sheet looks black and it has a millscale on it, that almost looks white, like its been blasted. Does anything flake flake off? You could probably use a wire wheel on a grinder to buff the metal clean. Using a...
  15. C

    My 1st brisket

    Not sure about sous vide but I just remove the butcher wrapped brisket, over wrap with a couple layers of foil and back in the smoker at 170. I did one this past weekend that sat for 5 hrs, came out amazing. I have heard of 12 plus hr holds at 170 also. I use the smoker because I can monitor the...
  16. C

    Have to try it

    I used to have a recipe for Wendy's chilli, it was from one of those websites that claim to have all the recipes from thenbig chains. Most were not even close, but the Wendy's chili recipe seemed spot on. I will have to see if I can dig it up, its been a long time since I saw it. Corey
  17. C

    Brisket burgers with the new grinder.

    I just ground up 3 lbs of trimmings this weekend. I have never had brisket burgers either, those look amazing. Do they taste like brisket? Im really looking forward to sparking them up, (maybe this week) I found the brisket meat really dense, had to cut it into thinner strips than pork butt...
  18. C

    Favorite soy sauce

    Im partial to the "wings" brand you get with basically all chinese food from restaurants, at least in my neck of the woods. I've tried all the " fancy" soy sauces but still like the wings best. I found it in 1000 packet cases so I have enough for 5 years. Ill probably sprout a 3rd eye at...
  19. C

    What's the deal with flies ?

    I have what seems like hundreds (exaggerated) always sitting on my smoker when its covered. Not even using it, they just perch there. Corey
  20. C

    Life Got Complicated

    Oh my, thats scary. All the best to your wife for safe and speedy recovery. I can't imagine what you are feeling right now. Best wishes Corey