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  1. shooterrick

    Not Dead just about crippled. ShooterRick

    Thanks for all the kind words.  Maybe back smoking this fall but the Lang needs TLC first. 
  2. shooterrick

    Not Dead just about crippled. ShooterRick

    Not been around in long time.  Divorce first.  Lost all in Louisiana flood living in FEMA trailer for 7 months..  Finally bought another house.  Still lhave smoker  but it was under water and raw sewage so will need be soda b lasted down to the bones and repainted and cured.  Life has been a...
  3. shooterrick

    When to separate point from flat for burnt ends

    Well I am just a bit different.  Because the flat and point are done at different times due to thickness variations, I separate them before they even go on the smoker. Maybe it is just me but I find it more convenient than dealing with it mid smoke.  The flat almost always cooks in a consistent...
  4. shooterrick

    PRIME RIB (New Best Ever!!!)

    Gotta love it Bear.  As always I love me some prime rib.
  5. shooterrick

    First Shot at Brisket

    A few pics is always appreciated but good luck and good smokes.
  6. shooterrick

    Shooters Alive and Well!

    I know I have been MIA for some time.  It is easy to get side-tracked between work, divorce, health, and a new fiance. After my divorce a couple of years ago, I found myself going a bit crazy (you know, an old wolf back on the prowl LOL). Brenda, my wonderful lady, seemed to be the medicine I...
  7. shooterrick

    Official 2013 N Fl Gathering--April 5th, 6th, and 7th

    Jerry, Now that life is starting to settle back down I think I am going to try and come to this one. Shooter
  8. shooterrick

    Rumors of ShooterRicks Death are greatly exagerated!

    HI folks.  I know I have not been around for a few months but am still alive and breathing.  Between 56 hr work weeks and rebuilding a life after divorce I have had a plate full.  I want to apologize to a few who have pmed me and not gotten a responce.  Secondly I am about to get things back in...
  9. shooterrick

    Best wood for a brisket?

    Lookin good so far but remember if you don't measure and it turns out fantastic how are you going to duplicate it?
  10. shooterrick

    My try at Shooter Rick's Attitude Brats!

    Send a couple over I am out!  LOL
  11. shooterrick

    65 day Drybag Aged Rib-Eye, Shrimp and Twice Baked Potato

    Wonderful !  This will be my next cook I think.
  12. shooterrick

    Noob question...

    As with all cured products, interchanging cures is not recommended.  If your recipe called for a specific cure and quantity you can not just substitute on a 1 for 1 basis.  Cures 1 and 2 are different products for specific uses and techniques.  Do your research first then you will be better...
  13. shooterrick

    First Time Using a Smoker - Beef Brisket - QView

    Looks good to me!  By the way I deleted your duplicate post.  All posts are held for moderation when you are a new member.  This will stop after you have made about 40 posts or so.  Like I said good first brisket. 
  14. shooterrick

    Scared of Brisket

    Neither cut should be reason to fear.  Prime or Brisket if temp is controlled steady and you finish to correct internal temp should yeild consistant results.  Smile they are both great!
  15. shooterrick

    Just touching base:

    I know I have not been around much as of late with long work hours and Sandy recovering from her car accident.  Just wanted to let all know we are alive and fine.  Sandy is working but by the end of the day she is pretty beat.  She is still under medical care and we expect a full recovery of her...
  16. shooterrick

    Official SMF N. FL Gathering -- April 13th 14th and 15th 2012

    Looking great so far guys.  Wish we were there.  Mrs Shooter is depressed about not going but ended back at the doctors office today in a lot of pain.  She has some muscle relaxers now and some pain meds.  Insurance called and said the other persons liability is covering all her medical and...
  17. shooterrick

    Official SMF N. FL Gathering -- April 13th 14th and 15th 2012

    Not good news.  Sandy feels worse today then the first two days.  Doc said thats not unusual but she is in more than a bit of pain.  I told her it is not worth making the trip and her miserable the whole time so I believe we are not coming.  She insists on not making a final decision till...
  18. shooterrick

    New here, and new to smoking..

    Welcome to SMF.  Thanks for adding your location to your profile.  Also If you have not done it drop in to Roll Call and introduce yourself.  Everyone will be glad to meet ya.  Happy Smokes ShooterRick Beef Mod.
  19. shooterrick

    Official SMF N. FL Gathering -- April 13th 14th and 15th 2012

    Just a status update on Sandy.  She is feeling pretty good but still sore in her back and shoulders.  She did work today and didn't feel too bad until the end of the day.  Doc has left it up to her as no internal or skeletol injuries are evedent.  Seems mostly soft tissue strain of sorts.  She...
  20. shooterrick

    Official SMF N. FL Gathering -- April 13th 14th and 15th 2012

    PANIC! @#$#@ ANGER, FEAR!!!!!   Crap!  Double CRAP!  Sandy, (Mrs. Shooter), was rear ended in our truck today on I-12!  She is home now resting but very sore and hurt back.  She will be going back to the doctor tomorrow to make sure it is just muscle pain.  The F-150 has minor rear bumper and...