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  1. xjcamaro

    Marks From Grate

    Snack sticks yes, cold smoking bacon, no.
  2. xjcamaro

    Marks From Grate

    When doing snack sticks I let the smoker produce the smoke. When I do bacon it's a cold smoke, I use a tin can filled with wood chips and a soldering iron. I even put a piece of wax paper between the grate and the bacon this go round so there wouldn't be any direct contact but it made it through.
  3. xjcamaro

    Marks From Grate

    Hey guys, I have the usual chrome plated grates in my MES. Anytime i smoke something that has cute in it, snack sticks, bacon, etc. I get marks on my meat where it touches the grate, the color tends to be dark green to black. Its not the entire length , just in spots. It's almost like the...
  4. xjcamaro

    Cheese in Venison Sticks

  5. xjcamaro

    Cheese in Venison Sticks

  6. xjcamaro

    Cheese in Venison Sticks

    Oh, and im getting ready tonight a pork belly for a bacon smoke next week.
  7. xjcamaro

    Cheese in Venison Sticks

    Thanks Bear, we unfortunately have been on a rabbit drought. My hunting partner hat neck and back surgery so he has been very limited on hunting, and i worked with my son for squirrels and doves in the fall and ive been chasing deer with the muzzle loader here this month. Hopefully getting back...
  8. xjcamaro

    Cheese in Venison Sticks

    Hey guys, been a while since ive been on here. Im going to be making my first batch of venison sticks and i have some of the small cubed high temp cheese. So my question is, since my mix is for 10 lbs of meat (8lbs venison 2 lbs pork fat) Do i take into consideration 1lb of cheese into that 10...
  9. xjcamaro

    Beef Suggestions...

    I may be able to find some. We have a couple nice actual butcher shops here.
  10. xjcamaro

    Beef Suggestions...

    I just got Jeff's weekly new letter with the Tri-Tip in it, that is sounding good as well.
  11. xjcamaro

    Beef Suggestions...

  12. xjcamaro

    Beef Suggestions...

    Doing good Bear. Life has got in the way of some of my rabbit hunting and smoking.3 kids will do that to ya. But still trying to keep up on my bacon supplies.
  13. xjcamaro

    Beef Suggestions...

    We are doing prime rib a couple days later somewhere else, or I would be doing that
  14. xjcamaro

    Beef Suggestions...

    What kind of seasoning goes good on a beef tenderloin?
  15. xjcamaro

    Beef Suggestions...

    That may be the way to go. I was thinking that or a roast for a type of roast beef.
  16. xjcamaro

    Beef Suggestions...

    Hello everyone, been a long time since ive been on here, but still smoking. Mostly my rabbit, bacon, and cheese. Im looking to do something beef for Christmas. I've done very few beef smokes. Im looking for something to feed about 7-8 people and require about a 6 hour smoke is what im going to...
  17. xjcamaro


    This is what I do, cook up some western pa rabbits once or twice a year.
  18. xjcamaro

    30 pounds of skinned bellies today

    That's a lot of bacon! Looks good.
  19. xjcamaro

    Been a long time since I Bacon'd

    Ya, 9 hrs didn't seem to be too long because by the time I got to the end of the chunk I was slicing it was already starting to warm up and get soft. They weren't a solid chunk either I could still cut them with a sharp knife and the slices were still malleable.
  20. xjcamaro

    Been a long time since I Bacon'd

    Alright, got everything sliced and sealed up last night. I tried something for the slicing process that a lot of you probably already do, but I never did, and I don't know why I didn't because it made everything so much easier. I put the belly chunks in the freezer for about 9 hrs while I was at...