Brisket Rub, Naked Chicks Rub, Apple RBP Chicken Rub and RBP Pork Ribs are included...

This basic rub is so simple, yet the flavors are a mildly-spicy and sweet combination. I've used mesquite, hickory, cherry, apple and pecan smoke with it so far...great flavors all the way. This just might be the all-around basic blend I've been looking for...if I could only have one dry rub, this is probably the one.

Red Bell Pepper Rub

½ T Black Peppercorn, rough ground

4 T dried Red Bell Pepper, rough ground

2 T Kosher Salt

1 T dried chopped Onion, rough ground

1 T dried minced Garlic

Pre-grind ingredients of a double batch (from top left in C/W orientation): dried 3/8" red bell pepper; kosher salt; minced garlic; dried/chopped onion; black peppercorn:

After a rough grind of the red bell pepper, onion and peppercorn:

Tossed together and ready for some meat:


4 Tbls dried diced red bell pepper, coarse ground

3 Tbls dried chopped onion, coarse ground

2 Tbls dried minced garlic, medium ground

2 Tbls black peppercorn, medium ground

2 tsp thyme, med/fine ground

2 Tbls rosemary, med/fine ground

1 tsp oregano, med/fine ground

1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

2 tsp ground cumin

2 tsp chili powder

2 Tbls kosher salt

***all measures pre-grind

(a couple hours into the smoke):


4 Tbls coarse ground red bell pepper

4 Tbls powdered light brown sugar (ground)

1 Tbls ground rosemary

1.5 tsp ground thyme

1 tsp cumin

1/2 tsp ground oregano

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

1 Tbls ground black peppercorn

1/2 Tbls ground garlic

1.5 Tbls paprika

1/2 Tbls chili powder

2 Tbls kosher salt

Apply a light to moderate coat of olive oil to the skinned/prepared bird, then apply dry rub. 

***measures pre-grind


1/2 cup ground apple

2 Tbls ground red bell pepper

1/2 tsp ground sage

2 tsp ground rosemary

1-1/2 tsp ground oregano

1/2 Tbls ground garlic

1/2 Tbls ground black peppercorn

1/2 tsp cumin

1 Tbls parsley flakes, ground

1 Tbls paprika

2 Tbls kosker salt


4 Tbsp ground red bell pepper, from dried 3/8" diced

1 Tbsp ground garlic, from dried minced

1/2 Tbsp medium ground rosemary, from dried leaves

1 tsp medium ground thyme, from dried leaves

1 tsp medium ground oregano, from dried leaves

1 tsp chili powder

1/2 tsp ground cumin

2 Tbsp freshly ground black peppercorn

1 Tbsp kosher salt

2.5 hours into the smoke @ 210-215* with wet smoke chamber:

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4.25 hours into the smoke...switched to dry smoke chamber @ 3 hours in and raised chamber temp to 240-250*:

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5.5 hours and ready for dining:

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Here's my source for the Red Bell Peppers:

You can also go through their local reps...check their site for where they are and who to contact.

Thanks, and ENJOY!
