hickory smoked, bacon wrapped, chicken breasts with Q-VIEW

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
Oct 26, 2010
Western Nebraska
1st time trying chicken, hope it turns out good 
 got the mes running at 230 degrees


washed, dried and covered in rub


wrapped up

more q-view to come

great flavor, but the dry rub was a bit to salty..other than that..the wife and i loved them.  plus i have a few left overs for breakfast.  i also got a maverick remote thermometer..i love that thing..worked awesome on the chicken
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Looks good . I am cutting way back on the salt in rubs and I like it a lot better
next time i use that rub, i think i might add some brown sugar to off set some of the salt or just use less of that rub.  i didn't think i used that much.  lol  i always get in trouble from the wife from making things to spicy..but that is usually with a rub i throw together.
i took the left overs into work and sliced them up and heated them.. the salty flavor was not there and tasted awesome..got some rave reviews from the employees that tried some.
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Well congrats has to go out to you Redneck. Your yard bird looks excellent to me. I'm glad that that some of your employees like it too. Now go smoke somethig for all of them.
I think we sail on the same ship my friend. I stay in trouble. Thats an awsome looking plate.

next time i use that rub, i think i might add some brown sugar to off set some of the salt or just use less of that rub.  i didn't think i used that much.  lol  i always get in trouble from the wife from making things to spicy..but that is usually with a rub i throw together.
i had them in the mes at 230, the small one took about 2 hrs and and the large one took about 2 hrs 20min.  i pulled them out of the freezer at noon and at 6 pm they were thaw but when i stuck the maverick temp probes in them they were at 36 degrees in the center.  if they were room temp when i put them in, it probably would have taken less time. guessing at 45 min less.  the wife had to close that night and i knew she would get home around 8:30 that night.  so i thought it would be a good time to try some chicken.
very moist and juicy, my wife really liked the bacon on them and said it gave it xtra flavor as well which i agree 100%
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